01) In annoying life news this week, we have a leak somewhere in our house. Our water bill was extremely high, so we decided to check our meter and with everything turned off it was still ticking over. Sigh. We have a plumber coming on Monday to try and find the leak, so please PRAY TO THE UNIVERSE that it’s not something under the house or anything equally as expensive difficult to fix.
03) Joe Biden’s letter to the Stanford rape victim is truly beautiful.
04) I am equal parts excited and nervous for this week’s Game of Thrones finale. What will we do on Monday evenings for the next year?!
05) Guys, I have some bad news. Independence Day: Resurgence was kind of disappointing. Still, it’s nice to have a new alien invasion movie in the world.
06) Orange Is The New Black is back! A lot of people have finished watching the new season already, but we’ve been pacing ourselves. I’m nervous about the end approaching, because I’ve been mildly spoiled about what happens…
08) If you were upset about Nashville being cancelled, rejoice! It has apparently been picked up by CMT.
09) I’m obsessed with Chelsea Wears, so after seeing her snapchat herself using a face mask and then her skin looking awesome the following day, of I had to pick it up. And I love it. I’ll be posting a review soon, so stay tuned!