Books read this month: Masked Innocence by Alessandra Torre, Final Girls by Riley Sager, Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, and Shift by Em Bailey
Total Books Read: 4
January TBR Books Read: 3
2017 TBR Challenge Books Read: 2
Total Pages Read: 992
Total Hours Listened: 12hours 49minutes
Total Books Read: 4
January TBR Books Read: 3
2017 TBR Challenge Books Read: 2
Total Pages Read: 992
Total Hours Listened: 12hours 49minutes
Honestly, the reason I didn’t get around to read all of the books on my January TBR this month is because I saw that Final Girls by Riley Sager was up for review on Netgalley. I’d heard so many good things about it, so when I was offered the change to read and review the book it jumped to the top of my TBR pile. I’m happy with my reading this month, and I’m glad I found a way to include audiobooks in my daily routine. Having said that, February is going to be pretty hectic for me at work so I probably won’t have as much time to listen. Here’s to February reading!